1940-41, "Montour Memories" (yearbook)
"Montour Memories, 1940-41" cover
Admininstration: Leland S. Irwin, Mathematics, History, Phys. Ed.; Bessie Pudum, Upper Grades; Lawerence Conley, Science, Commercial, Music; Marjorie Graham, Primary Grades; Lucile Parsons, English, Home Ec., Phys. Ed. page image
Seniors: Clyde Smith, Jim Moore, Fay Palmer, Evelyn Carrell, Alice Brown, Harvey Gatfield, Ralph Bauguess.
Officers: President - Evelyn Carrell; Vice Pres. - Jim Moore; Sec. Treas. - Clyde Smith; Coun. Mem. - Harvey Gatfield; Sponsor - Miss Parsons.
Class History: Four years ago the eighth grade graduation class of Montour possessed three girls and three boys, namely: Fay Palmer, Lois Swearingen, Norma Jensen, Ralph Baughuess, Junior Ware and Clyde Smith. Lois Swearingen is married and is the proud mother of a fine baby girl named April Lunda Anderson. Norma Jensen has moved to Emmett and Junior Ware moved to Boise last July. These vacancies have all been filled and old Montour High proudly issued forth with seven bright and shining graduates. The new pupils are Alice Brown, Evelyn Carrell, Harvey Gatfield and Jim Moore.
Alice Brown joined M.H.S. her senior year. She graduated from eighth grade at Vale Grade School and attended Vale Union High School before coming here. . . Evelyn came here from Emmett. . . Jim Moore joined the crowd in his sophomore year coming here after graduating from Donnelly Grade School. . .Harvey Gatfield should have graduated in the class of '40 but he decided to quit school a year . . page image
Juniors: Gloria Watson, Richard Bowers, Joseph Amyx, Harold Kriezenbeck, Julian West, Dan Barker, Buford "Bud" Moore, William Noland, Nell "Trixie" Noland.
Officers: Pres. - Bill Noland; V. Pres. - Dorothy DeWalt; Sec. Treas. - Bud Moore; Council Mem. - Dan Barker; Advisor - Mr. Conley. page image
Sophomores: Frank Bowers, John Carrell, Eldred Folwell, Fred Harrell, Beatrice Brown, Gretchen Jones, Agnes Kirchner, Charlotte Long, Vernon Jones, Leo Knowlton, Bill McConnel, Ira Walker, Gene White, June White.
Officers: Pres. - June White; Sec. Treas. - Leo Knowlton; Vice-Pres. - Agnes Kirchner; Council Mem. - Gretchen Jones; Advisor- Mr. Irwin.
Five of the present members of our class graduated from the eighth grade together. As Freshmen there were twelve of us. This year we lost a few, but gained more so that we have fourteen members. Of this number two are from Sweet, three from Horseshoe Bend, one from High Valley, two from Banks and six from Montour. page image
Patricia DeWalt, Keith Gifford, Ellen Douglas, Floyd Hanson, David Harrell, Atha Fuller, David Hughes, Mildred Heavrin, Ann McConnel, Bill Mansfield, Vivienne Moore, Howard McConnel, Keith Smith, Lewis Smith, Lawerence Watson.
Officers: Pres. - Mildred Heavrin; Sec. Treas. - Ellen Douglas; Vice Pres. - David Harrell; Council Mems. - Lewis Smith, Keith Gifford; Advisor - Mr. Irwin.
We have fifteen in our class this year and five of them graduated from the eighth grade in Montour. This year there are three from Horseshoe Bend, four from Sweet, one from Jeruselem, one from Liberty and six from Montour. page image
First Grade: Irene West, Frank York, Gloria McKie.
Second Grade: Evelyn Hughes, Andy York, Sandy Harrell, Michael McDonough.
Third Grade: Anna Marie McDonough.
Fourth Grade: Alice Clark, Boyd Moore, Mannie Newell, Keith Noland.
Fifth Grade: Brennon Newell, Pat Bays, Earl Cole.
Sixth Grade: Billy Jones, John Barker, Frank Lusher, Verne Noland, VanDyne Purdum, Frances Palmer, Virgil McKie, Roy Noland.
Seventh Grade: Verna Newell, Eugene Gatfield.
Eighth Grade: Dorothy Harrell, Gertrude McKay, Jerry Jones, Thomas Curtis.
There are thirty students enrolled at the grade school in Montour this year. Miss Graham, who formerly taught in Nebraska, is teaching the first five grades, sixteen students. Mrs. Purdum, who taught in the southern part of the state last year has the upper three grades. She has fourteen students. Graduation exercises for the four eighth graders will be held with the high school exercies on May 14. page image
photos of Montour School at Library of Congress
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