Polk's Idaho State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1914

Abstracted from archive.org

EMMETT. Pop 1,500. Canyon county. A town on the Payette river the 0 S L and the eastern terminus of the P V R R 20 miles n e of Caldwell the county seat. Has Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Christian, Latter Day Saints and Episcopal churches, 2 banks, a hotel, electric lights and a commercial club. Two weekly newspapers the Index and the Examiner are published. Emmett is in the heart of a famous fruit growing and farming section, and has an abounding supply of water for irrigation. Principal shipments are grain, fruit and vegetables. Exp Am. Tel W U. Edw Waring P M.
Amen Gust, ice.
Anderson, Rundstrom & Co (Columbus C and Mrs L M Anderson, Edwin C Rundstrom), dry goods.
Baker Mrs H G, milliner
Bank of Emmett (capital $40,000). IV R Cartwright, pres; V T Craig, cashr.
Barbour Jno, men's furnishing goods.
Barnes Edw, osteopath.
Barrett Jas W, harness.
Berry & Campbell (Frank Berry, Edw Campbell). contrs.
Bilderback Chas P, ins.
Bird Alb. livery.
Bucknum Claude D, propr Electric Theatre.
Burton Wm L, shoemkr,
Callender ErneSt C, livery
Chamberlain Otto U, barber.
Clark Bert 0, phys.
Crabtree Ralph E, civil eng.
Crunk Jay H, fuel.
Crouch Wilbur T. real est.
Cummings Robt N, phys.
Davis Benj B. drugs.
Davis HOward T. drugs.
De Masters Geo M, livery
Easton Walter J. jeweler.
Edgerton Robt L, photogr.
Electric Theatre, Claude D Bucknum propr.
Emery Richd E C, propr RusSell Hotel.
Emmett Commercial Club, B B Davis, pres; H T Davis, sec.
Emmett Examiner, Saml A Motz pub.
Emmett Fruit Growers Assn, H J De Clark, pres; R B Shaw, sec; Jas Kinzer, mngr.
Emmett Index. Edw Skinner pub.
Emmett Irrigation District, W Shane, pres; Herbert Haylor, sec; R B Shaw, treas.
Emmett Mercantile Co, G W Gordon mngr.
Emmett-Van Wyck Stage Line, W T Callender mngr.
Feuling Frank T, dry goods.
FIRST NATIONAL RANK (capital $50,000), A F Isham, Pres; John McNish, Vice Pres; R B Shaw, Cashr.
Foglesong Ira W, stationer.
FORSHAY ELMER E. CIVIL Engineer and Surveyor.
Gammage Chas L, barber.
Gilbride Michael, cement wkr.
Greene Robt H, phys.
Hargus Thos B, furniture
Hawkins Danl A, hardware
Hayes Edw K, ins agt,
Hersh Harry W. baker
Holverson Elmer L, cigars.
Hughes Chas E. cement wkr.
Idaho-Oregon Light & Power Co, Jno D Orr nmgr.
JOHN & McGOWAN MERCANTILE Co (David M John, David J and George M McGoWan), General Store.
Judd Alvin W, dentist.
Katz Hiram, dry goods.
Keith & Sons (Elbert C, Robt M, Walter S), men's furnishings.
Knowles Geo, civ eng.
Knox Clayton B. expman.
Knox Frank, cigars.
Kucku Henry, vet surgeon.
Langroise, Wm C. grocer.
McFarland Wm D, propr Model Steam Laundry.
McNish, Jno, gen store and saw mill.
Mason L, drugs.
Maynard Harry T blksmith.
Mech Emil 0, plumber.
Model Steam Laundry, Wm D McFarland propr.
Monroe Finley, lawyer.
Motz Saml A, pub Emmett Examiner.
Munson Marian, harness.
Naka Frank, restaurant.
Newcomer Ray G. jeweler.
Payette National Forest, Guy B Mains supervisor.
Pederson Bros (Carl and Chris), painters.
Peterson Anth P, blksmith.
Picket Alb, blksmith.
Rees Stroud J, conf.
Reilly E M & CO (Edward M Reilly) hardware.
Reynolds J Lemon, phys.
Rose Robt E. dentist.
Sherod. Oliver E, shoemkr.
Skinner Edw, pub Emmett Index.
Steinbower Georgia. milliner.
Steward & Burkhard (Jas L. Steward, Geo Burkhard), meats.
Studebaker Bros Co, J H Cronk mangr, wagons.
Titus Harry W. contr.
Twillegar Wm H, second hand goods.
Whelchel Frank & Arthur M, photogrs
Whits(?) Arthur. bicycles.
Wilton Wm W. real est.
Zimmerman Geo F, lawyer.

Fruit Growers
Ahisager L L
Allen I J
Baker H B
Barnes L C
Barnes N B
Beck Fred
Blazer F S
Blum Chas
Bower B C
Buckman C D
Burt C L
Campbell H A
Carpenter J B
Cook C
Cook Mrs Julia
Coulson Geo
Craig V T
Croutch W T
Danielson Chas
Davis B B
De Clark H J
Dresser L
Durham Bros
Easton W J
Fest H L
Fields J R
Flagler I R
Gabler A N
Gammage C L
Grant Chas
Green R H
Hall Geo
Hampton E
Handley F
Hargus T B
Hartley C P
Harwell W A
Haugan J R
Heath Bros
Hiatt J A
Hitt J I
Hoagland J T
Holler H W
Hoppock W W
Hunter W C
Jackson Chas
Jensen J L
Kelly Jason
Rester Chas
Kinzer Jas
Lake C W
Litooy W F
Love J J
McCool R A
McMullin David
Martin C H
Martin J W
Martin Walter
Mills E L
Model Fruit Farm
Modin Edw
Moorehouse Clarence
Nelson Nels
Nichols W L
Nielson Andr
Parker S A
Peterson A P
Reed E F
Reilly E M
Reis P
Richards A A
Ricketts J P
Runstrom E C
Sassor D D
Shane W H
Shaw E P
Shaw R B
Sheahan F R
Shinn F R
Spotts F H
Stolzenberg F C
Sullivan I N
Sutton Richd
Taylor Dr
Tolles Mrs R E
Tucker W C
Vahlberg Edw
Walker Sid
Warden G A
Webb Willis
Whiteside Thos
Wills J A
Wilson R B
Witzel Bros
Wright B S
Yeck J C
Emmett, Hewitson Mrs Olive
Sweet, Sage, Packard Mrs IC
Poultry Breeders -Craig V T
Well Drillers and Borers
Nye, Jno & sons.
Wool Growers
Emmett, Bullard-Johnson Sheep Co
Crosson Frank
Cruikshank A
Gavin J H
Little Andr
Little S D
McConnell Bros
Newman G W
Van Deusen Jno
Bruce, J O (Ola)
Potter, Joel (Ola)

HANNA. Canyon county. A discontinued p o 9 miles n w of Emmett on the P V and 0 S L Rys the banking and shipping point. Mail by R F D from Emmett.

LETHA. Canyon county. A p o on the PVRR 9 miles w of Emmett the banking point. Has a Baptist church. Exp Am. A W Newell PM.
Payette Valley Produce Co, cheese mnfrs.

MONTOUR. Pop 100. Boise county. A village on the 0 S L 41 miles n of Nampa. Has a Methodist church. Exp Am. Walter W Yolkmer P M.
Air Dome Cafe.
Broadway Livery.
Cottage Cafe.
Day W H, r r, exp and tel agt.
Montour Blacksmith.
Montour Lumber Co.
Montour Mercantile Co.
Palace Pool Hall.

OLA. Pop 35. Boise county. A p o 20 miles n of Montour on the 0 S L the banking and shipping point Stage daily from Montour fare $2. Sherman Glenn P M.
GLENN & SMITH, General Store.
Hackett Russell, blksmith.
Loyd J C, hotel.

PEARL. Pop 150. Boise county. A mining village 35 wiles w of Idaho City the county seat and 6 s of Montour on the 0 S L the banking and, shipping point. Has a Congregational church. Luella M Von Harten P M.
Whitman Mining Co.
Ohio Mining Co.

SWEET. Pop 350. Boise county. A village 4 miles n of Montour on the 0 S L the shipping point. Has Methodist church, a bank, 2 hotels, a flour mill and a Commercial club. A weekly newspaper the Boise County Sentinel is published. Stage daily to Montour. Annie Skippen P M
Bank of Sweet (capital 10,000)
Con Leehan, pres; A D Stanton. cashr.
Boise County Milling Co, flour mill
Boise County Publishing Co, C L. Norton mngr.
Boise County Sentinel, C L Norton pub.
Butte Hardware Co. Byrd A O, drugs.
Carpenter W A, gen store.
Clemmens Chas, blksmith.
Norton C L, pub Boise County Sentinel.
Pugh H A, saw mill.
Swindman G S, barber.
Talley Bros, gen store.
Talley's Livery Barn.
Talley W A, hotel.
Unique Cigar Store.
White Front Feed Barn, livery.
Woody Hotel, W W Croco propr.

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