Base Ball at Boise

Emmett Red Birds Cover Themselves with Glory

Emmett Index, July 10, 1902

The Emmett Red Birds returned from Boise covered with new feathers and glory. They have two more league games to their credit which gives them a place next to the top in the contest for the pennant - which is now conceded to Nampa.

Boise's league team forfeited the July 4th game to Emmett by not playing here as scheduled and in the game Sunday the Reds had the biggest walk-a-way of the season. The score was Emmett 13, Boise 7. It was no game at all - at least that seems to be what Manager Coate(?) of the Boise Neverwases thought, for he hastened away with the sack and left the Red Birds to scratch for their feed.

Emmett played two exhibition games with the Riverside park team - one on the 4th and one on the 5th - winning the first and losing the second.

Emmett will play the Caldwell Colts next Sunday, probably at Riverside park, Boise, as the proprietors of that resort are making an effort to secure the game. Caldwell will try hard to gain second place in the standing of clubs at this game, which is next to last of the series.

Standing of Clubs
Nampa -- 7 W, 3 L, .700 per.
Emmett - 5 W, 5 L, .500 per.
Caldwell 4 W, 6 L, .400 per.
Boise -- 4 W, 6 L, .400 per

Other News

A ten-foot sidewalk has been constructed fronting J. w. Barrett's harness shop.

W. A. Powell's steam merry go round has been the center of attraction the past week.

Some of the Emmett bandmen are talking of joining the new regimental band at Nampa

The ladies of W.R.C. will serve an oyster supper at the G.A.R. hall on the evening of July 16th.

Rain put a stop to haying last week, many of the farmers having their crop down, but no great amount of damage is reported.

Ralph Womack, who has been with the Index for some time past, has quit printing and accepted an apprenticeship in his father's blacksmith shop.

A number of ladies met at the home of Mrs. C. P. Bilderback last Thursday afternoon and a very pleasant time was had.

Mrs. E. K. Hayes, Mrs. D. E. Smithson, Miss Fay Bilderback and Miss Helen Banks went to Boise Sunday by private conveyance to attend the ball game.

R. L. Moler commenced freighting to Thunder Mountain. He will use his own stock but work with "Little Mack's" outfit.

J. J. McDonald, the Thunder Mountain road contractor, was down Monday for supplies. He says he is now working 50 men in his outfit and work is getting along fine.

Rasmus Gunderson, age 33, a native of Norway, committed suicide the evening of June 27th on Granite Creek.

Dissolution Notice

Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of Sherwood and Anderson, engaged in the manufacture of brick in Emmett, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.


Emmett, Idaho, June 26, 1902

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